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“A girl I taught in our summer water safety classes used her skills to safely rescue four people. She was just 15 at the time.”


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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“A girl I taught in our summer water safety classes used her skills to safely rescue four people. She was just 15 at the time.”​

Conall Boyle, Lifeguard, County Cork


It’s never too early to learn swimming and lifesaving skills. I started swimming at six and began water safety classes aged eight. As a lifeguard, the lessons I learned have helped me save many lives. As an instructor, I now get to pass those skills on. Water safety classes are available in summer and winter at both coastal and inland locations. They are inexpensive and there are family discounts available. I’d urge anyone to get involved. These are skills that will stay with you for life.

Water Safety Ireland Summer Weeks Classes

  1. These classes are suitable for all ages. From children as young as four to young adults at 19 years of age.
  2. These classes foster a healthy respect for the water rather than an unhealthy fear. As an island nation, our waters are one of our greatest resources. These classes set you up to be able to enjoy them safely.
  3. You’ll learn essential water safety and lifesaving skills.
  4. Classes cover: Rescue skills, survival skills and resuscitation.
  5. The summer programme averages some 180 courses in 23 counties.
  6. To find a class near you, just click here

The post “A girl I taught in our summer water safety classes used her skills to safely rescue four people. She was just 15 at the time.” first appeared on Water Safety Ireland.

The post “A girl I taught in our summer water safety classes used her skills to safely rescue four people. She was just 15 at the time.” appeared first on Water Safety Ireland.
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