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20 years of PKM


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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This year marks the tenth anniversary of my personal knowledge mastery workshops. Ten years before that I discovered PKM and started working on my own frameworks which grew into client projects, first with Domino’s Pizza for their franchise leadership development program. Subsequent clients included ING Bank, Carlsberg, Citibank, the MasterCard Foundation, United Cities & Local Governments, and many more. What is available today has twenty years of experimentation and application behind it.

The inspiration for the ‘in 40 days‘ format came from my friends at En Nu Online in the Netherlands. Since then, hundreds of people have participated in the program, coming from all continents (except Antarctica of course). The content has changed with the times and will continue to be in a state of ‘perpetual beta’, as I try to meet the changing needs of the modern creative knowledge worker. Several new topics were added in the past year.

  • Curiosity
  • Fake News
  • Intentionality
  • Systems Thinking

Here is what Shirley Rivera had to say about the workshop.

I first learned of your workshop in 2012 from a servant leadership course. You had me at seek -> sense -> share. (Signed up in 2015 and been hanging around since then.) … A few things IMO I find different about your workshop include: is self-paced in a specific time-frame for content access; focuses on the “who” throughout each lesson (e.g., who am I among my network + communities, who are those around me as knowledge sharers, with whom do I interact async or sync, diversity of peers and colleagues, etc.); mentions in many lessons of evidence-based references and related research and/or practitioners; provides resources related to the foundations of knowledge management; emphasizes importance of mindfully consuming content, its context, and its veracity (e.g., misinformation, propaganda, etc.); your being available for one-on-one calls; and values how one creates their own approach for sensemaking and sharing knowledge as part of building community(ies).

I continue returning to your workshop to learn of any updates and cross paths with others I’d normally not meet. Your workshop is no nonsense. I resonate with your take on communities of practice and networks.

The next workshop starts on 5 February.

PKM is what we can practice — to sharpen our cognitive saws — between our infrequent flashes of brilliance.

“Visualize the workflow of a physical job: produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce. Now visualize the workflow of a creative knowledge worker: nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, flash of brilliance, nothing, nothing.” —Jay Cross (1944-2015)
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