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blogging is enough


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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This blog turned 20 last month — dead blog walking. One of the big challenges that the growth of AI [GPT, LLM, etc.] presents us is connecting with people — not machines — for our sensemaking. A personal blog is a human way to connect. There is no algorithm to filter what others read. They can subscribe, on their terms, and with their chosen technology thanks to real simple syndication (RSS). The great thing about blogging is that there are few rules. You can write as you like, when you like, and as often as you like.

“When you write a blog post, you can say as much or as little as you want. You can document a whole project you completed that made you happy, or you can document a tiny piece of it. You can share your plant watering routine, or you can share your journey of going from having no plants to six plants and the plant care tips you learned across the way. You can write a follow-up post, or not.” —Blogging is the medium of incomplete stories

I have found blogging to be my preferred medium of expression. I like building on older posts. I like sharing when the need arises.

“I keep thinking I should write another book.
I keep thinking I should write poetry.
In the meantime, without any should, I blog.
I am a blogger.
That should be enough.”

Euan Semple

Not only is blogging ‘enough’, it’s an important counterweight to the AI nonsense onslaught. I don’t care what ChatGPT has written. I want to understand and connect with the people I share this planet with. My blog has given me that opportunity.

Here is a small random selection of fellow bloggers who have kept me company for many years and are blogging on.

Clark Quinn

Donald Clark

Helen Blunden

Chris Bolton

François Lavallée

Andrew Jacobs

Josie Holford

Chris Corrigan

standing desk with computer and monitor between two windows

My portal to the world
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