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Creating the Future of Brainport Smart District


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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In 2017 the Malik Institute conducted a Malik Syntegration for Brainport Smart District. Brainport is a leading technology region in Europe, located in the Southeast Netherlands, with Eindhoven at its heart. This top technology region creates solutions for the societal challenges of tomorrow.

The partners in the development of Brainport Smart District are dedicated to the realization of housing development, mobility and sustainability projects. Remarkably, everyone in the region stays involved in these projects, because the project organization is convinced that the solutions of tomorrow’s society require an integrated and innovative approach. What counts is not the opinion of one but of all stakeholders.

The management of Brainport had decided that Malik Syntegration is the best solution for this approach as this new social technology allows the integration of the knowledge and the interests of all stakeholders in an effective way. It addresses key players of the region to make the Brainport Smart District “…a lighthouse as the most liveable adaptive residential area in the world“. The Malik Syntegration was hosted and co-financed by the city of Helmond and the province of Noord-Brabant. Helmond is an integral part of Brainport—a network city where the innovative and creative powers are employed to facilitate societal and technological renewal.

We were pleased that the key players’ response has been excellent. Within the first three days after the word spreading, more than 2/3 of the institutions and people addressed confirmed their interest to participate. Within the Smart Cities Community the Malik Syntegration is already starting to be perceived as a major step in realizing advanced solutions for the way we live and work tomorrow.

For more information please go to the Brainport website or read the Brainport Smart District brochure.

Malik Syntegration is a high-performance communication approach for managing high complexity, interconnectedness, and rapid change. Large numbers of people find new solutions for complex questions by communicating simultaneously and in an interconnected manner; and in such a way that their joint knowledge, experience and their social energy lead to new solutions.

The post Creating the Future of Brainport Smart District appeared first on Malik Management.
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