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England, United Kingdom: Short-term Vacation Rental Market Performance


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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Key Takeaways​

The STR Index data for the country of the United Kingdom (specifically the region of England) spans from January 2021 to January 2024, providing insights into the short-term vacation rental market performance.

  • It shows a general upward trend in Average Daily Rate (ADR), going from GBP 103 in January 2021 to GBP 160 in January 2024. Revenue per available room (RevPAR) also increased in the same period, from GBP 32 to GBP 68.
  • Occupancy rates show seasonality, with peak occupancies observed during the summer months (June to August) across all years. The highest occupancy rate of 67% was observed in August 2022.
  • Average bookings per month varied slightly; however, ranges between 1.3 and 4.2 show that demand wasn’t consistently strong. It indicates fluctuating tourist demand in the region.
  • The count of active listings is increasing steadily, suggesting a growth in accommodations available, with an increase from 164,894 in January 2021 to 272,257 in January 2024.
  • The data provides an understanding of the performance and changes in the accommodation market in the England region of the United Kingdom over three years.

ADR Summary​

Average Daily Rate (ADR) for STRs in England, United Kingdom – Month on Month from January 2021 to January 2024

Average Daily Rate (ADR) for STRs in England, United Kingdom – Month on Month from January 2021 to January 2024

Based on the tabular data provided, the Average Daily Rate (ADR) in GBP for the region of England, United Kingdom, has revealed a largely increasing trend from January 2021 to January 2024.

Starting at £103 in January 2021, the ADR generally saw a steady rise in the following months, reaching £146 in August 2021, representing the highest value for the year. Post August, there was a small decrease to £136 in September and October of the same year, followed by a slight drop to £127 in November, and rising back to £137 in December 2021.

The year 2022 began with the ADR dropping to £125 in January and February. However, from March onwards, we observed an upward trajectory, hitting £168 in August, again the peak for that year. As with the previous year, the ADR marginally dropped to £158 in October and further to £153 in November, recovering back to £166 in December 2022.

During 2023, the ADR started at £152 in January and experienced a mostly continuous upward trend reaching its peak at £177 in August. This was followed by a minor dip to £172 in September, and then maintaining a roughly constant ADR ranging between £173 and £174 till November. In December 2023, the rate again rose to £177.

Finally, in January 2024, the ADR dropped again to £160.

Throughout the period, no specific seasonal trend was distinctly observable in the data. ADR witnessed a consistent upward trend, indicating the growth and stability of the rental market performance.

RevPAR Summary​

Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) in England, United Kingdom – Month on Month from January 2021 to January 2024

Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) in England, United Kingdom – Month on Month from January 2021 to January 2024

The RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room) for England, United Kingdom, in GBP, illustrated a clear upward trend from January 2021 to August 2023, followed by a slight decrease and stabilization towards the end of the data set in January 2024.

In January 2021, the RevPAR stood at GBP 32. It increased consistently, reaching its peak at GBP 113 in July 2023 and again in August 2023. This suggests a possible seasonal peak occurring in the mid-year months. Post this, there was a mild decrease, dropping to GBP 68 in January 2024.

A pattern that can be observed from the data is the seasonal trend where RevPAR tends to increase from the start of the year, peaks around July or August, then lowers steadily towards the end of the year.

In summary, the data shows a significant growth in RevPAR from GBP 32 in January 2021 to GBP 113 in August 2023, indicating a positive trend for the hospitality industry in England, United Kingdom. It also suggests a cyclical pattern with mid-year peaks.

Read here: How to Calculate RevPAR.​

Occupancy Rate Summary​

Occupancy Rate Summary

Occupancy Rate for STRs in England, United Kingdom – Month on Month from January 2021 to January 2024

Based on the provided data, the occupancy trend for the region of England in the United Kingdom reveals a fairly consistent seasonal cycle over the years observed. The occupancy rates generally start at lower levels in January and February, with figures around 30%-50%. As the months progress into spring and summer, the occupancy rates tend to increase, reflecting perhaps greater travel and vacation bookings. The peak periods of occupancy are consistently observed in the summer months, specifically from June to August, where occupancy levels reach between 52% and 67%.

After the peak, there is a gradual decrease in occupancy rates during the fall months (September to November) – dropping from the high 50s to the low 50s, and even down to the high 40s in November. Then in the winter months, the occupancy tends to hover around the mid to late 40s, dipping back down into the early 40s in January and thereby repeating the cycle.

Overall, there is a distinct pattern of occupancy rates being at their highest in the summer, decreasing in the autumn, reaching lower levels in the winter, and then slowly rising again in the spring. The data reveals a strong seasonal pattern, with occupancy rates peaking during the summer months, reflecting the dynamic nature of the rental market performance.

Read here: How to Calculate Occupancy Rate.​

Avg. Bookings Summary​

Avg. Bookings Summary

Average Bookings Summary for STRs in England, United Kingdom – from January 2021 to January 2024

The average bookings in the England region of the United Kingdom have shown noticeable trends from January 2021 to January 2024. The values started at a low of 1.3 in January 2021 and initially increased to reach a peak of 3.2 in the period from April to October 2021. A slight decreasing trend was then seen in November and December 2021, with the values reaching 2.

In 2022, the numbers rose again and remained relatively steady, hovering around 3.4 to 3.8 from January to May. A slight decrease followed during June and July before picking up slightly in August and then dropping again in the last quarter of 2022, reaching a low of 2.3 in December.

The pattern in 2023 was similar to the previous year, with the average bookings starting at 4.1 in January, maintaining a consistent range of 3.4 to 3.9 until June, then decreasing to 3.3 by August and maintaining at this level until November. There was a significant drop to 2.5 in December 2023.

The data provided until January 2024 showed a rise to 4.2, the highest figure through the observed period.

Overall the average bookings tended to be higher in the first half of the year compared to the second half, indicating a possible seasonal trend. It’s important to note that while there are fluctuations, the average bookings remained between 1.3 to 4.2 over the three years, indicating some level of stability.

Count of Active Listings Summary​

Active Listings Summary

Active Listings Count for STRs in England, United Kingdom – from January 2021 to January 2024

The count of active listings in England, United Kingdom, has generally shown a rising trend from January 2021 to January 2024. The count was 164,894 in January 2021, and it slightly increased and fluctuated in the first half of 2021, reaching its yearly peak of 189,360 in September 2021. The figure then fell slightly and fluctuated towards the end of 2021 and the start of 2022 but continued to rise afterward, reaching the yearly high of 210,616 in July 2022. In the year 2023, the counts started at 226,858 in January, and apart from a few minor fluctuations, it largely escalated throughout the year, hitting the peak at 275,778 in September 2023. There was a dip in the final quarter of 2023 before it rose again to a new high of 272,257 in January 2024.

In general, with a steady increase from January 2021 to January 2024, the data indicates a growing demand and supply within the rental market performance.

Get actionable market insights from PriceLabs’ Market Dashboards.​

About Short-term Rental Index​

The World STR (Short-term Rental) Index by PriceLabs is a free tool for tracking short-term rental market performance worldwide. It offers data from Airbnb markets worldwide, refreshed monthly. You can access free insights on which locations are gaining or losing popularity. Key features include:

  • Compare: Compare year-over-year metrics like active listings, occupancy rates, RevPAR, and ADR.
  • Trend: Visualize how metrics have changed over the past years.
  • Pacing: Compare upcoming year metrics to the previous year for occupancy, ADR, and RevPAR.

Explore more FREE tools by PriceLabs here.​

About PriceLabs​

PriceLabs is a revenue management solution for the short-term rental and hospitality industry, founded in 2014 and headquartered in Chicago, IL. Our platform helps individual hosts and hospitality professionals optimize their pricing and revenue management, adapting to changing market trends and occupancy levels.

With dynamic pricing, automation rules, and customizations, we manage pricing and minimum-stay restrictions for any portfolio size, with prices automatically uploaded to preferred channels such as Airbnb, Vrbo, and 100+ property management and channel integrations.

Every day, we price over 300,000+ listings globally across 135+ countries, offering world-class tools like the Base Price Help and Minimum Stay Recommendation Engine. Choose PriceLabs to increase revenue and streamline pricing and revenue management. Sign up for a free trial at pricelabs.co today.

The post England, United Kingdom: Short-term Vacation Rental Market Performance appeared first on PriceLabs .
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