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FORTE 12: Listen to this New Sound!


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
Reaction score
Wouldn’t it be great if your sheet music sounded natural?
If you immediately got a real feeling for those quarters and eighth notes? And if there was no complicated set-up?

If it was simply to enjoy a new sound experience?


Meet John Nebauer.

He’s an expert for soundfonts. He dedicated more than a decade to developing the SGM soundfont - now integrated into FORTE 12.

What is a soundfont?​

A soundfont is a library of sounds that is required to play back scores. This library conforms to the MIDI standard and contains 128 instruments.

The SGM soundfont is modern and quite natural. There is an exceptionally detailed piano sample and a rather expressive bass sample. Additional thanks go out to Shan and to Alexander Holm here. This is a great set for a full and authentic sounding backing band with General Midi Files.


Our mixer has been completely redesigned, and helps you select new instruments and new sounds more easily. This way, adjusting playback settings is easier. Best of all: it’s pretty to look at, too.

We hope you enjoyed this preview (or rather, this ‘pre-listen’!) and we are looking forward to your comments below!

Your FORTE team
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