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Grass Valley’s Center for the Arts to Host B: The Underwater Bubble Show • March 19, 2020


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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At this point in the 21st century, living a life void of technology is practically impossible. Though electronic advancements have evolved leaps and bounds for people in terms of convenience, daily interactions with devices has created stress, insecurities and anxiety among all us humans. Come Thursday, March 19 to the Center for the Arts in Grass Valley and witness B: The Underwater Bubble Show, where this way of life is explored. At the end of a lengthy workday over-flowed with busy meetings and tight deadlines, the story’s main protagonist Mr. B is somehow carried from his basic, bland, boring daily life into a land filled with a kaleidoscope of colors, epic whimsy and utter happiness called Bubblelandia. Follow Mr. B as he meets all types of sea life in Bubblelandia, from sassy seahorses to classy clownfish. The show’s mission is to help you take a moment to stop all the rapid information and to instead dream and let go. Drama, comedy, action, puppetry, juggling, magic … B is fun for the whole family. Tickets are $35–$45 for members of the Center for the Arts ($40–$50 for non-members). Doors open at 6 p.m., and the show starts at 7. Take a break from the fast-paced digital age and dream again with B! For more information, visit Thecenterforthearts.org.

**This write-up first appeared in print on page 10 of issue #312 (Feb. 26 – March 11, 2020)**
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