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How to Make Milk Kefir


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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Making milk kefir is a simple process that only requires a few ingredients and supplies.

Once you have everything you need, you’ll be well on your way to making delicious and nutritious milk kefir at home!

Read on to find out how.

What is Milk Kefir?​

But first, what is milk kefir and why would we make it?

Kefir is a unique fermented drink that’s bursting with bubbly deliciousness.

milk kifer

Its aroma and taste range from mildly tart to sour depending on the length of fermentation, plus it contains alcohol in levels ranging 0 – 3%.

Kefir truly stands out for its community-oriented production process which relies on something magical called ‘kefir grains’.

These tiny grain like creatures consist of over 30 different types microbes including lactobacilli, leuconostocs and saccharomyces so no wonder they call kefirs as “The Champagne Of Milk”!

What Are the Benefits of Milk Kefir?​

Like most fermented foods, kefir has made a name for itself by its health-promoting probiotics abilities.

This study and this study looked at it’s probiotic characteristics and how it reacted with human cancer cells.

This article and this article review other studies that link kefir with cholesterol metabolism, increased wound healing, antimicrobial activity, improvement of the sympathetic nervous system and modulation of the immune system including the alleviation of allergy and asthma.

How to Make Milk Kefir​

1. Gather your supplies – you will need milk, kefir grains, a clean glass jar, and a strainer​

First things first, make sure you’ve got the supplies you need to brew up some delicious kefir.

All that’s needed is milk of your choice – any will do – and a few tablespoons of kefir grains.

You’ll also need a clean glass jar to store the mixture in, and a strainer to separate out the grains when it’s been done fermenting.

Once you have these items together, you can start on your way to making a wonderful and delicious cultured milk drink that’s good for your health!

how to make milk kefir

4. Pour milk into the jar, leaving about an inch of space at the top​

Pouring milk into the jar is an important step to success when making a delicious recipe.

For the perfect result, make sure you leave a bit of space at the top when you fill it up!

This allows the ingredients to combine and form a creamy opaque mixture so that no separations occur during cooking.

Keep in mind that if you don’t leave enough headroom, your recipe may overflow and become a mess.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when working in the kitchen.

milk kefir grains

5. Add kefir grains to the milk and stir gently​

Kefir grains are an ancient source of probiotics and a delicious, health-boosting addition to your meals.

The process of adding kefir grains to your milk is surprisingly simple but requires a gentle approach.

Just mix in the grains, let the mixture sit for 12 hours, stir lightly, and you’ll have a thick and nutritious kefir yogurt that can be used for a variety of recipes and smoothies.

Try it out and see how it adds flavor and nutrition into your lifestyle!

health benefits of milk kefir

6. Cover the jar with a cloth or coffee filter and secure with a rubber band​

Making sure your food stays protected is easy when you have the right items.

Covering a jar with a cloth or coffee filter and securing it with a rubber band will keep dirt, debris, and flies away while still allowing air to pass through.

Not only is it affordable, but this simple method also will keep your food fresher for longer too.

Get creative with different color options and explore new ways to make protecting your food enjoyable!

7. Leave the jar out at room temperature for 24-48 hours, depending on how tangy you like your kefir​

Making your own kefir is an easy and exciting project that will provide you with an excellent source of probiotics–simply mix kefir grains in milk, stir and let sit for a day or two!

For the best results, you want to leave the jar out at room temperature for 24-48 hours, depending on how tangy you like your kefir.

Doing so will allow for the beneficial bacteria and yeast in the grains to ferment and grow.

8. After fermentation is complete, strain out the kefir grains and enjoy your delicious milk beverage!​

Now that you’ve gone through the process of fermenting, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor!

It’s simple to strain out the kefir grains and get to drinking your refreshing, homemade milk beverage.

Whether you’ve flavored it up with some spices or put in some fresh fruit, there’s no doubt you’re in for a treat.

Fermenting can be a unique learning experience, and even more so if you share it with family and friends!

Congratulations, you have now made your very own kefir at home!

This Probiotic-rich drink is not only delicious, but also full of nutrients and live bacteria that are great for gut health.

Making kefir is a simple process that only requires a few household ingredients and some patience while it ferments.

Now that you know how to make this amazing beverage, be sure to experiment with different flavors and enjoy the many benefits of drinking kefir every day!

Frequently Asked Questions​

What are kefir grains?

Kefir grains are a combination of beneficial bacteria, yeasts and polysaccharides (a type of sugar) that form a clump.

Kefir grains are added to milk, where they feed on the lactose and produce lactic acid, giving the drink its characteristic tangy taste.

How do you store kefir?

Kefir should be stored in an airtight container at room temperature.

It can also be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, though it will taste best when consumed within a few days of being made.

For longer term storage, freeze the kefir in an airtight container or ice cube trays. The kefir should last several months in the freezer.

How long should I ferment my milk for?

The length of time you should ferment your milk depends on how tangy you like it.

For mild kefir, leave the jar out for 24-36 hours at room temperature and for a more tart flavor, let it ferment for 48 hours or longer.

However, if you wait too long, it will taste sour.

What type of milk should I use to make kefir?

The type of milk you use to make kefir will depend on your individual taste preferences.

Cow’s milk, goat’s milk, and coconut milk are all popular options.

If you’re looking for a lactose-free option, almond or oat milk can also be used.

Keep in mind that different types of milk may yield slightly different results, so it’s best to experiment and find the milk that works best for you.

Can I use a blender or mixer to mix in the kefir grains?

No, blending or mixing your kefir grains can be damaging to them.

The best way to add them into your milk is to stir them in gently with a spoon or spatula.

This will help ensure that the kefir grains stay intact and can do their job!

Can I use flavoring or sweeteners in my kefir?

Yes, you can flavor and sweeten your kefir in many different ways.

To maintain its probiotic benefits, use natural ingredients such as honey, agave nectar or spices like cinnamon or cardamom to sweeten and add flavor.

You can also add fruits or nut butters if desired.

The post How to Make Milk Kefir appeared first on Hillsborough Homesteading.
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