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Live Art Flower Show!


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
Reaction score
A far cry from your average horticultural show, Timber is turning the flower show on its head, in joyful, dramatic style. You, our wonderful audience, will be taking centre stage alongside our artists and volunteers, as we shed our human forms and emerge as beautiful flowers, mushrooms and mosses. Create incredible costumes at home or on site (we’ll help) as you compete in one of the show categories. Will you be the most wondrous wildflower? The most fantastical fungi? Get you thinking caps on and get ready to bloom. Join us for the wildest flower show on earth, as our flamboyant comperes invite you onto the catwalk to show off your petals, leaves and stamen. Don’t fancy dressing up, don’t worry, a wonderful spectator experience awaits, you might even get a the chance to judge…

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