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no unpleasant aftertaste


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Feb 16, 2024
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On the last Friday of each month I curate some of the observations and insights that were shared on social media. I call these Friday’s Finds.

“At this rate ‘Luddite’ is going to become a term that means, ‘Person that knows when something is a scam’”@Amy Dentata

Overheard: “If the cloud is someone else’s computer, AI is just someone else’s labour.”@jk

“Journalistic organisations in Canada with official accounts on the #Fediverse [e.g. Mastodon]”@M. Gregoire

“So, we’re obviously using these rare earths for vital purposes, right? Absolutely! Seven rare earths are used to make your screen more shiny and brilliant. Three rare earths are absolutely needed to make your phone vibrate. Now, what could be more important to the future of life on Earth than a vibrating phone?”@Gerry McGovern

OpenAI says it could ‘cease operating’ in the EU if it can’t comply with future regulation via @gourd

In addition to the possible business threat, forcing OpenAI to identify its use of copyrighted data would expose the company to potential lawsuits. Generative AI systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E are trained using large amounts of data scraped from the web, much of it copyright protected. When companies disclose these data sources it leaves them open to legal challenges. OpenAI rival Stability AI, for example, is currently being sued by stock image maker Getty Images for using its copyrighted data to train its AI image generator.

Understanding CC Licenses and Generative AI via @mia

Generative AI presents an amazing opportunity to be a transformative tool that supports creators — both individuals and organizations — provides new avenues for creation, facilitates better sharing, enables more people to become creators, and benefits the commons of knowledge, information, and creativity for all.

But there are serious concerns, such as issues around author recognition and fair compensation for creators (and the labor market for artistic work in general), the potential flood of AI-generated works on the commons making it difficult to find relevant and trustworthy information, and the disempowering effect of the privatization and enclosure of AI services and outputs, to name a few.

For many creators, these and other issues may be a reason not to share their works at all under any terms, not just via CC licensing. CC wants AI to augment and support commons, not detract from it, and we want to see solutions to these concerns to avoid AI turning creators away from contributing to the commons altogether.

Riding There via @gredaco

Fez asked where we were going, and I said I didn’t know. We were pedaling along at a pretty good clip, and he had inferred some sense of urgency, a need to get somewhere, so he was slightly puzzled by my answer … Here’s what I said to him, more or less: Fez, what are we out here for? To ride bikes? Why? Well, because at some point we’ll stop thinking about whatever we were thinking about before, and we’ll even stop thinking about riding, and we’ll just be riding. That’s the ride. It’s calm and peaceful, and it’s entirely sufficient unto itself. That’s what we’re out here for. So right now, we’re riding until we get to that place. I don’t know where it is or how to get there, except that we have to pedal and move and hope we find it.
Poster of Ronald Reagan sending Chesterfield cigarettes to all his friends at Christmas c. 1060s

Image via @Tarawet
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