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To the parties, social movements and Cuban solidarity organizations


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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The enemies of the Revolution, in an opportunistic and manipulative manner, are once again trying to take advantage of the complex economic scenario we are facing for destabilizing purposes.

Sunday, March 17, afternoon, groups of citizens in the eastern part of the country expressed their dissatisfaction with the difficulties that have impacted two crucial areas of the life of our population: the deficit in the capacity of electricity generation and the distribution of food.

These facts were once again used by notorious terrorists based in the United States to encourage actions that contravene the usual calm, internal order and peace that characterize our society.

The images of what happened have been clear. The highest representatives of the Communist Party of Cuba and of the government in those localities were with the people to attend to their demands, listen, dialogue and explain the enormous efforts being made to improve the situation. In spite of crude stratagems to try to distort the events, an atmosphere of tranquility prevailed.

The government of the United States and its Embassy in Havana, in a frankly interfering behavior, launched messages manipulating reality, alleging supposed concerns about the respect for the human rights of our people.

That government, in an act of absolute cynicism and lacking total moral authority to make such pronouncements, is directly responsible for the acute economic situation faced by the Cuban people, as a result of the intensified blockade and the effects of the unjust inclusion of our country in the spurious list of alleged state sponsors of terrorism, whose sole purpose is to destabilize and overthrow the Revolution.

Every effort by the Cuban government to improve the living conditions of the people must overcome the obstacles imposed by this unjust, illegal and genocidal policy, articulated with a ferocious media campaign and the application of unconventional warfare instruments against Cuba.

In these crucial moments, the decisive support of friendly political forces, social and solidarity movements throughout the world are essential. In the face of attempts to distort reality and discredit the Revolution and its leaders, we count on their historic accompaniment to defend together the truth of Cuba and its legitimate right to build a sovereign and independent society, without external interference or pressure.

The post To the parties, social movements and Cuban solidarity organizations appeared first on La Via Campesina - EN.
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