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Top Tools 2023


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
Reaction score
I almost missed Jane Hart’s Top Tools for Learning survey which closed today. Since I’m in a later time zone, I am going to assume that this submission will be accepted. A few things have changed since last year, as I am migrating away from Twitter due to its new owner, and using Mastodon. I also stopped using Feedly and have switched back to Inoreader. The last two tools (Merlin & Seek) I continue to use for learning about the natural world.

  1. WordPress — powers all my websites
  2. Slack — private community space including the perpetual beta coffee club
  3. Mastodon — my main social network
  4. Inoreader — my RSS feed reader
  5. Diigo — social bookmarks
  6. Zoom — everyone now knows Zoom, which I have been using for six years
  7. Overcast — for podcasts
  8. 1Password — simplifies my online life and gives me more time for learning
  9. Merlin — learning about birds
  10. Seek — learning about nature

List of Harold Jarche's top tools for learning over the past 12 years
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