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Want a More Valuable Home? Try These 2 Projects


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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For some reason, millions of homeowners think that it takes some kind of miracle or massive effort to raise the value of their properties. The truth is much different than that myth. In fact, there are dozens of projects that can add a substantial amount to the potential resale value of any house on the market. How are owners doing it? Whether they’re hoping to sell in the next few years or simply wish to make their homestead more comfortable and functional, today’s savvy homeowners are focusing on jobs like kitchen remodeling and home lift installation to increase property value.

Each of the ideas has a unique aspect that addresses a home’s appearance, coziness, functionality, or energy efficiency. The goal is the same, however. It is to make a residential structure and land it sits on more attractive to prospective buyers at some point in the future. Owners should view the improvements as investments that deliver relatively short-term returns. Indeed, many put their houses on the market as soon as the renovation or upgrade work is complete. Here are more details about each idea.​

Home Lift Installation​

One of the most powerful ways to increase the value of your home is to install a personal lift. In decades past, many owners viewed lifts as improvements that were either unavailable or financially out of reach. Times have changed. In the 2020s, home lifts are no longer a rarity but a sought-after option for people at all income levels. Gone are the days when only luxury estates had lifts. Many homeowners are familiar with how domestic lifts can improve lifestyle and make a living space more comfortable.

In the 2020s, large numbers of individuals and families are choosing to install lifts for all sorts of reasons. Not only do the units add considerably to the potential selling price of a property, but they also attract attention from buyers, which means less time on the market before the house sells. Plus, lifts are an ideal choice for anyone who wants to avoid the risk of falling on stairs or who faces various forms of mobility limitations. Sleek, energy efficient lifts add a touch of class and elegance, too, making them winners among the many improvements available to property owners.​

Kitchen Remodeling​

For centuries, kitchens have been the central social location within a residential living space. Even today, it’s still a fact that people who upgrade, renovate, or otherwise redo their kitchens stand to gain much. Not only can a well-planned project boost the room’s visual appearance, but it can also pique the interest of shoppers who take tours with their real estate agents. What are the best items and projects in which to invest?

Consider adding up to date cabinets, brand-name major appliances, high-end countertops, and fresh flooring. Aim to acquire appliances that are energy efficient. They make the room look much brighter and modern and cause prospective buyers to take notice. Work to design an open floor plan, one of the hottest trends in the 2020s. The payoff of a good kitchen remodeling job is twofold. You’ll get a much more functional space and one that serves as a central selling point when you decide to move.​
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